电动力技术应用于环境污染修复 翁 志 煌 博士chweng@isu.edu.tw 学经历 · 1994 Ph.D. University of Delaware (Environmental Engineering), USA · 1990 MCE University of Delaware (Environmental Engineering), USA · 2008-2011 义守大学土木与生态工程学系 系所主任 学术专长/研究兴趣 • 水及废水处理技术: 研究胶体微粒在水溶液中之界面反应,包括奈米胶粒表面特性、吸附反应、氧化还原反应。研究生质废弃物(如茶叶渣、凤梨叶)及工业废弃材料(如污泥、污泥灰渣)之资源再利用于染料及重金属废水处理,Fenton-Ultrasonic reaction。 • 土壤及地下水污染整治技术: 研发电动力技术应用于土壤及地下水污染之整治、污泥脱水、及活性碳回收。 壹、讲学主题: 讲课次数,时间及提纲梗概 针对本人十余年来在地下层污染整治复育之教学经验及在电动力技术创新应用环境污染修复之研究成果进行讲学,其讲学主题为电动力技术应用于环境污染修复,包括3项子题: (1). 电动力技术应用于土壤污染整治復育技术 (2). 电动力技术应用于移除污泥中之污染物与污泥脱水 (3). 电动力技术应用于废弃活性碳再生 贰、教学目标: 提供学员学习地下层污染整治复育技术之基本概念,了解电动力技术原理与应用于环境污染控制之方法,及如何利用该新颖技术移除处理高危害性土壤及污泥中之有害物质中之污染物,更进一步突破应用于活性碳再生及其他环境污染修复。 参、教学对象: 由于讲学主题涉及地下层污染整治复育及环境污染防治,因此主要教学对象设定于为环境与资源学院(含地下水科学与工程、环境科学、环境工程等 3系)之硕博士生为原则。 肆、课程提纲梗概: 第1周: (时间 3 小时) 1. 地下层污染整治复育技术介绍及各项技术在整治策略上之应用比较: (a)介绍各种地下层污染整治复育技术,涵盖物理化学及生物复育之现地与离地整治技术。污染土壤之物理化学整治技术包括化学氧化、电动力分离、破裂(气动)、土壤清洗、土壤蒸汽萃取固化及稳定化等; 生物复育整治污染土壤技术包括监测自然衰退法、植生复育、生物渗透墙等方法。 (b)整治策略之拟定包括,污染源减量控制策略及污染源围堵策略之探讨。对现地整治技术在地下层之应用比较包括,处理程序、技术上之成孰性、应用可行性、处理介质、整治时间、成本及对各种污染物之适用性。 第2周: (时间 3 小时) 2. 电动力(Electrokinetic) 技术学理介绍 (a)介绍电动力过去在土木工程边坡稳定及应用于环境污染复育之历史背景。 (b)同时针对原理进行介绍包括,电化学理论、电迁移、电渗透流之产生、电渗透流率之计算,离子传输理论。 3. 电动力应用于移除土壤中之重金属及有机污染物 (a)首先介绍污染物与土壤之吸附/脱附行为理论、污染物与土壤之氧化还原反应。 (b)进而介绍电动力技术移除土壤中之重金属及有机污染物之可行性,探讨电动力应用于污染场址之可行性及操作条件。 (c)最后提供整治复育参考实例方案。参考实例包括,结合电动力与零价铁反应墙两项土壤复育技术对受六价铬、三氯乙烯污染,PCE黏质土壤之处理效能。对于移除Cr(VI), TCE, PCE之机制将有详细探讨。 第3周: (时间 3 小时) 4. 电动力应用于移除污泥中之污染物及及水份 (a).首先介绍污泥脱水理论与现有各种传统脱水技术包括,压力板框脱水(filter press)、带滤压力脱水(belt press)、离心脱水、晒干床(砂滤及PU)、冷冻干燥。 (b).进而介绍新颖先进之电动力技术在污泥脱水之应用,包括现有电动力脱水技术专利介绍,处理高危害性中之重金属及移除难脱水污泥中水份之效能。使学员了解该技术移除污泥中重金属之效率及处理后污泥特性之改变,有效降低污泥处置成本,同时有机会应用于土地施用及资源再利用。本项课程内容将提供两项电动力应用于污泥处理之参考范例。 5. 电动力技术应用于废弃活性碳再生及其他领域 (a).首先介绍活性碳之吸附/脱附理论与在水及废水处理之实例应用。进而介绍现有各种活性碳再生技术包括,高压湿式氧化、热处理、化学处理等方法。 (b). 虽然热处理及湿气氧化为活性碳再生最广泛使用之方法,但再生成本高且每次再生会有5-15%损耗量。因此本项课程内容将提供活性碳再生之另一选择,介绍先进之电动力技术进行活性碳再生,探讨该技术之再生效率。因可同时可回收重金属,且操作成本可大幅降低,为一项应用技术之突破。本项课程内容将探讨电动力在其他领域之应用,例如建筑修复,同时提供两项电动力应用于活性碳再生之参考范例。 Corresponding Journal/Book Chapter Articles: 翁 志 煌 博士chweng@isu.edu.tw 义守大学土木与生态工程学系教授 1.Chih-Huang Weng “Coupled Electrokinetic-Permeable Reactive Barriers”, In Electrochemical Remediation Technologies for Polluted Soils, Sediments and Groundwater, Chapter 23, p.483-503, (Ed. Krishna Reddy and Claudio Cameselle), John Wiley & Sons, Print ISBN: 9780470383438 (2009). 2.Chih-Huang Weng, Hao-Wen Tsai, “A Pilot-Scale Test of Eletrokinetic Remediation of Cr(VI) Contaminated Kaolinite Incorporated with Zero-Valent Iron”, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 379–387 (2009). 3.Nader Shariatmadari, Chih-Huang Weng, Hesam Daryaee, “Enhancement of Hexavalent Chromium [Cr(VI)] Remediation from Clayey Soils by Electrokinetics Coupled with a Nano-Sized Zero-Valent Iron Barrier, Environmental Engineering Science, 26(6) 1071-1079 (2009). 4.Chih-Huang Weng, and Ming-Chien Hsu, “Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon by an Electrochemical Process,” Separation and Purification Technology, 64 (2) 227–236 (2008). 5.Chih-Huang Weng*, Hao-Wen Tsai, “A Pilot-Scale Test of Electrokinetic Remediation of Cr(VI) Contaminated Kaolinite Incorporated with Zero-Valent Iron,” Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, 19(6), 1-9 (2009) 6.Chih-Huang Weng, Yao-Tung Lin, Chin Yuan, Chien-Sen Liao, "Sludge dewatering assisted by an electrokinetic process", Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 45, pp. 149-154, 2011.07 7.Chih-Huang Weng*, Yao-Tung Lin, T. Y. Lin, and C.M. Kao, “Enhancement of Electrokinetic Remediation of hyper-Cr(VI) Contaminated Clay by Zero-Valent Iron,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 149 (2), 292-302, (Oct. 22, 2007). (SCI 1.855, Civil 2/80). 8.Ching Yuan *, and Chih-Huang Weng, “Electrokinetic Enhancement Removal of Heavy Metals from Industrial Wastewater Sludge,” Chemosphere, 65(1), 88-96, (Sep., 2006). (SCI 2.442). 9.Chih-Huang Weng* T. Y. Lin, Sue-Wha Chu, and Ching Yuan, “Laboratory-scale eva luation of Cr(VI) Removal from Clay by Electrokinetics Incorporated with Fe(0) Barrier,” Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, 10(3), 171-178 (July, 2006) (EI). 10. ChingYuan*, and Chih-Huang Weng “Remediating ethylbene-contaminated clayey soil by a surfactant aided electrokinetic (SAEK) process,” Chemosphere, 57(3), 225-232 (2004, Oct.) (SCI 2.442) 11. Chih-Huang Weng*, and C. P. Huang, “Preliminary study on treatment of soil enriched in COPR by electrokinetics,” Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, 8(2), pp 67 – 72 (2004) (EI) 12. Ching Yuan*, and Chih-Huang Weng, “Sludge dewatering by electrokinetic technique: effect of processing time and potential gradient,” Advances in Environmental Research, 7(3) pp. 727 – 732 (2003, May). (SCI 2.537) 13. Chih-Huang Weng*, Ching Yuan, and Huang-Hsu Tu, “Removal of Trichloroethylene from Clay Soil by a Series Electrokinetic Process,” Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, 7(1), pp. 25 – 30 (2003, Jan.). 14. Chih-Huang Weng*, and Ching Yuan, “Enhancement of sludge dewatering: Application of electrokinetic technique,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 235 – 243 (Sep. 2002). 15. Ching Yuan* and Chih-Huang Weng, “Electrical enhanced sludge dewatering process: A small pilot scale study,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 269 – 275 (Sep. 2002). 16. Ching Yuan*, Chih-Huang Weng, “Remediation of Cr(III) contaminated clay by electrokinetics: the effect of processing fluids,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 11(3), pp. 179 – 186 (2001). 17. Chih-Huang Weng*, and Ching Yuan, “Removal of Cr(III) from clay soils by electrokinetics,” Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 23(3), pp. 281 – 285 (2001, Sep.), NSC88-2211-E-214-007 (SCI 0.471) 18. Chih-Huang Weng*, Yu-Hsiung Lin, and Yung-Hsu Hsieh, “Electrokinetic remediation of Trichloroethylene contaminated kaolinite,” Journal of the Chinese Inst. of Environmental Engineering, 10(4), pp. 279 – 289 (2000). 公司邀请台湾义守大学土木与生态工程学系教授翁志煌博士来公司讲课,欢迎广大研究生积极参与。
翁 志 煌 博士chweng@isu.edu.tw
· 1994 Ph.D. University of Delaware (Environmental Engineering), USA
· 1990 MCE University of Delaware (Environmental Engineering), USA
· 2008-2011 义守大学土木与生态工程学系 系所主任
• 水及废水处理技术: 研究胶体微粒在水溶液中之界面反应,包括奈米胶粒表面特性、吸附反应、氧化还原反应。研究生质废弃物(如茶叶渣、凤梨叶)及工业废弃材料(如污泥、污泥灰渣)之资源再利用于染料及重金属废水处理,Fenton-Ultrasonic reaction。
• 土壤及地下水污染整治技术: 研发电动力技术应用于土壤及地下水污染之整治、污泥脱水、及活性碳回收。
壹、讲学主题: 讲课次数,时间及提纲梗概
(1). 电动力技术应用于土壤污染整治復育技术
(2). 电动力技术应用于移除污泥中之污染物与污泥脱水
(3). 电动力技术应用于废弃活性碳再生
由于讲学主题涉及地下层污染整治复育及环境污染防治,因此主要教学对象设定于为环境与资源学院(含地下水科学与工程、环境科学、环境工程等 3系)之硕博士生为原则。
第1周: (时间 3 小时)
1. 地下层污染整治复育技术介绍及各项技术在整治策略上之应用比较:
(a)介绍各种地下层污染整治复育技术,涵盖物理化学及生物复育之现地与离地整治技术。污染土壤之物理化学整治技术包括化学氧化、电动力分离、破裂(气动)、土壤清洗、土壤蒸汽萃取固化及稳定化等; 生物复育整治污染土壤技术包括监测自然衰退法、植生复育、生物渗透墙等方法。
第2周: (时间 3 小时)
2. 电动力(Electrokinetic) 技术学理介绍
3. 电动力应用于移除土壤中之重金属及有机污染物
(c)最后提供整治复育参考实例方案。参考实例包括,结合电动力与零价铁反应墙两项土壤复育技术对受六价铬、三氯乙烯污染,PCE黏质土壤之处理效能。对于移除Cr(VI), TCE, PCE之机制将有详细探讨。
第3周: (时间 3 小时)
4. 电动力应用于移除污泥中之污染物及及水份
(a).首先介绍污泥脱水理论与现有各种传统脱水技术包括,压力板框脱水(filter press)、带滤压力脱水(belt press)、离心脱水、晒干床(砂滤及PU)、冷冻干燥。
5. 电动力技术应用于废弃活性碳再生及其他领域
(b). 虽然热处理及湿气氧化为活性碳再生最广泛使用之方法,但再生成本高且每次再生会有5-15%损耗量。因此本项课程内容将提供活性碳再生之另一选择,介绍先进之电动力技术进行活性碳再生,探讨该技术之再生效率。因可同时可回收重金属,且操作成本可大幅降低,为一项应用技术之突破。本项课程内容将探讨电动力在其他领域之应用,例如建筑修复,同时提供两项电动力应用于活性碳再生之参考范例。
Corresponding Journal/Book Chapter Articles:
翁 志 煌 博士chweng@isu.edu.tw 义守大学土木与生态工程学系教授
1.Chih-Huang Weng “Coupled Electrokinetic-Permeable Reactive Barriers”, In Electrochemical Remediation Technologies for Polluted Soils, Sediments and Groundwater, Chapter 23, p.483-503, (Ed. Krishna Reddy and Claudio Cameselle), John Wiley & Sons, Print ISBN: 9780470383438 (2009).
2.Chih-Huang Weng, Hao-Wen Tsai, “A Pilot-Scale Test of Eletrokinetic Remediation of Cr(VI) Contaminated Kaolinite Incorporated with Zero-Valent Iron”, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 379–387 (2009).
3.Nader Shariatmadari, Chih-Huang Weng, Hesam Daryaee, “Enhancement of Hexavalent Chromium [Cr(VI)] Remediation from Clayey Soils by Electrokinetics Coupled with a Nano-Sized Zero-Valent Iron Barrier, Environmental Engineering Science, 26(6) 1071-1079 (2009).
4.Chih-Huang Weng, and Ming-Chien Hsu, “Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon by an Electrochemical Process,” Separation and Purification Technology, 64 (2) 227–236 (2008).
5.Chih-Huang Weng*, Hao-Wen Tsai, “A Pilot-Scale Test of Electrokinetic Remediation of Cr(VI) Contaminated Kaolinite Incorporated with Zero-Valent Iron,” Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, 19(6), 1-9 (2009)
6.Chih-Huang Weng, Yao-Tung Lin, Chin Yuan, Chien-Sen Liao, "Sludge dewatering assisted by an electrokinetic process", Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 45, pp. 149-154, 2011.07
7.Chih-Huang Weng*, Yao-Tung Lin, T. Y. Lin, and C.M. Kao, “Enhancement of Electrokinetic Remediation of hyper-Cr(VI) Contaminated Clay by Zero-Valent Iron,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 149 (2), 292-302, (Oct. 22, 2007). (SCI 1.855, Civil 2/80).
8.Ching Yuan *, and Chih-Huang Weng, “Electrokinetic Enhancement Removal of Heavy Metals from Industrial Wastewater Sludge,” Chemosphere, 65(1), 88-96, (Sep., 2006). (SCI 2.442).
9.Chih-Huang Weng* T. Y. Lin, Sue-Wha Chu, and Ching Yuan, “Laboratory-scale eva luation of Cr(VI) Removal from Clay by Electrokinetics Incorporated with Fe(0) Barrier,” Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, 10(3), 171-178 (July, 2006) (EI).
10. ChingYuan*, and Chih-Huang Weng “Remediating ethylbene-contaminated clayey soil by a surfactant aided electrokinetic (SAEK) process,” Chemosphere, 57(3), 225-232 (2004, Oct.) (SCI 2.442)
11. Chih-Huang Weng*, and C. P. Huang, “Preliminary study on treatment of soil enriched in COPR by electrokinetics,” Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, 8(2), pp 67 – 72 (2004) (EI)
12. Ching Yuan*, and Chih-Huang Weng, “Sludge dewatering by electrokinetic technique: effect of processing time and potential gradient,” Advances in Environmental Research, 7(3) pp. 727 – 732 (2003, May). (SCI 2.537)
13. Chih-Huang Weng*, Ching Yuan, and Huang-Hsu Tu, “Removal of Trichloroethylene from Clay Soil by a Series Electrokinetic Process,” Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, 7(1), pp. 25 – 30 (2003, Jan.).
14. Chih-Huang Weng*, and Ching Yuan, “Enhancement of sludge dewatering: Application of electrokinetic technique,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 235 – 243 (Sep. 2002).
15. Ching Yuan* and Chih-Huang Weng, “Electrical enhanced sludge dewatering process: A small pilot scale study,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 269 – 275 (Sep. 2002).
16. Ching Yuan*, Chih-Huang Weng, “Remediation of Cr(III) contaminated clay by electrokinetics: the effect of processing fluids,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 11(3), pp. 179 – 186 (2001).
17. Chih-Huang Weng*, and Ching Yuan, “Removal of Cr(III) from clay soils by electrokinetics,” Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 23(3), pp. 281 – 285 (2001, Sep.), NSC88-2211-E-214-007 (SCI 0.471)
18. Chih-Huang Weng*, Yu-Hsiung Lin, and Yung-Hsu Hsieh, “Electrokinetic remediation of Trichloroethylene contaminated kaolinite,” Journal of the Chinese Inst. of Environmental Engineering, 10(4), pp. 279 – 289 (2000).